Our School » BFMS Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP)

BFMS Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP)

Bellows Falls Middle School 2023-25: Continuous Improvement Plan

Safe and Healthy Schools

Problem of Practice

In June 2024, 36% of our students in grades 3-5 responded favorably in the area of Engagement on the Panorama climate surveys. In June 2024, 17% of our students in grades 6-8 responded favorably in the area of Engagement on the Panorama climate surveys.

Theory of Action

If we administer the survey in the Fall and then in the Spring and also survey the same group of students, then we will be able to see a positive shift in data. If we hold more school-wide and community-building activities, then we will see an increase in student desire to come to school. If we engage parents, then students will share more of their school experiences at home.

Prioritized SU Goal

By June 2025, 50% of our students in grades 6-8 will respond favorably in the area of Engagement as measured by Panorama climate surveys.

Prioritized Strategies/Change Ideas

Continue to hold more school community nights and functions. Broaden weekly communication via newsletters and social media. Send a survey to parents about what they would like to see out of BFMS. Create stakeholder buy-in. Offer the survey in the Fall and Spring.


Panorama Climate Survey

Human, Materials, etc.

Staff, Administrators, and families.

Academic Achievement

Problem of Practice

In June 2024, 36% of students demonstrated proficiency above the 40th percentile in ELA based on MAP achievement scores.

Theory of Action

If all students practice reading and writing daily, then all students will improve in reading comprehension on MAP and other statewide assessments.

Prioritized SU Goal

By June 2025, 45% of students will demonstrate achievement in ELA based on MAP achievement scores and 56% will meet their growth projection.

Prioritized Strategies/Change Ideas

More curriculum development. Staff PD on curriculum tools and offerings. Emphasize the importance of staff buy-in to curriculum.


MAPs and DIBELS data

Human, Materials, etc.

Staff, Administrators, Director, and Coach.

Equity Goal

Problem of Practice

Only 29% of BFMS students in 6th-8th grade who are economically disadvantaged demonstrated proficiency in ELA on NWEA MAP while 44% of advantaged students demonstrated proficiency. Similarly, 25% of students who are economically disadvantaged demonstrated proficiency in Math on NWEA-MAP while 45% of advantaged students demonstrated proficiency.

Theory of Action

If we center the needs of our most minoritized students in all data-based discussions and actively work to disrupt stereotype threat, then gaps in ELA and Math proficiency between minoritized students and their peers will decrease by 20%.

Prioritized SU Goal

By June 2025, gaps in ELA and Math between our marginalized students and their peers will decrease by 20% across all grade levels.

Prioritized Strategies/Change Ideas

Develop systems to allow staff and administrators to readily view and discuss disaggregated data on a regular basis. Actively work to disrupt stereotype threat through professional development for our administrative team and staff.


MAP, DIBELS, Panorama

Human, Materials, etc.

Staff, Administrators, Directors of Instruction and Technology.