About Standards-Based Grading and Personalized Learning Plans
It is our mission to ensure that all students are supported to reach academic success and are actively engaged in challenging curriculum. To this end we promote high expectations and rigorous academic standards based on the Common Core State Standards and Vermont Content Area Graduation Proficiencies & Performance Indicators.
Standards-Based Grading
- A standards-based grading system is used to identify what a student knows, or is able to do, in relation to pre-established learning targets. A standards-based environment provides an accurate reporting of a student’s learning achievement and progression. Throughout the year, parents and guardians will receive information about student academic performance.
Personalized Learning Plans
- BFMS uses personalized learning plans to help students make connections between the skills and knowledge they gain with their own personal interests. The Vermont transferable skills used to help learners see the connections between school and life. The PLPs also allow students to have a voice in their educational goals at school.