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About BFMS




Enter to Learn…Go Forth to Serve

Bellows Falls Middle School empowers students to see their potential, reach their goals, and be successful, contributing members of their communities.


The building at 15 School Street was opened in1927 to replace the old High School which had burned on that spot in 1925.

In 1955 a major renovation added the northeast corner of the building, replaced boilers which caused the cafeteria floor to be raised, and added the 'tunnel' entrance in front to the gym.  You can tell the 'new' portion of the building because the walls are cinder blocks, not brick.  The present Art Room, Band Room, and Custodians' office are part of that addition.

In the early 1980s, the elevator was added.

The most recent renovation occurred in 2011, which was a major makeover.

The Bellows Falls Middle School, however, had its roots in the Junior High School which was formed in 1920 in the 1896 High School.  This was to help ease crowding in the Rockingham elementary schools, and the replacement high school in 1927 was built to accommodate grades 7 and 8.

The opening of the Bellows Falls Union High School in 1970-71 was in a new district, which was for grades 9-12 only.  The (now) old high school building at 15 School Street was to be repurposed as a Middle School.  Due to the transition period, the Middle School was opened in what had been St. Charles School, moving into the 15 School Street building completely for  1971-72.

The first 8th grade left Bellows Falls Middle School in 1971.

The original Principal for new BFMS in 1971 was Herb Werden, with Milo Parker as the Assistant.

Thank you to Larry Clark and the Bellows Falls Historical Society for helping develop this page.  You can learn more about the Bellows Falls Historical Society at https://www.bellowsfallshistoricalsociety.org/